Traits affect the choices AI characters make in events. For example, when a courtier shows interest in an affair, a Lustful ruler is more likely to choose "Make a move". : Throw the Aztec invaders back into the sea. A great military leader and warrior who became known as 'the Lionheart'. Centuries of medieval history await you in Crusader Kings III. If you wish to view a searchable list … Envious, Proud, Hedonist, Homosexual, Some historical bloodlines might be founded after the game started. One of the oldest Christian dynasties in the world.

Warrior-king of the Basques and a major sponsor of the Reconquista, Garcia restored Basque control over Navarra after a long period of Aragonese domination. Traits also affect AI choices in diplomatic actions, by modifying five AI parameters: rationality, zeal, greed, honor, and ambition. These traits are gained by traveling to China in order to demonstrate subordination, as long as the character's realm is within diplomatic range to the Dragon Emperor. The Viking leaders of these expeditions were called Sea Kings because of their skills in traveling uncharted waters to destinations few knew. Characters do not need to lead troops to obtain any of these traits. A legendary military leader who won scores of military victories against invading Germans and Swedes. CK2 Cheats CK2 Province IDs CK2 Event IDs Other CK2 IDs and Codes CK2 Title IDs CK2 Trait IDs CK2 Artifact IDs CK2 Culture IDs CK2 Decision IDs CK2 Nickname IDs CK2 Religion IDs CK2 Society IDs For example forged "Conqueror" bloodline's and warrior lodge "Raider" bloodline's artifact looting and prisoner capturing effects will not stack with each other, but they DO stack with similar effect from being a level 2+ member of a warrior lodge. Mostly associated with the formation of specific empires and other realms. Offspring will not receive a Matrilineal Bloodline. He joined his tribal forces with Rome to drive the Huns out of Gaul, ending Atilla's ambitions in the area. Engage in courtly intrigue, dynastic struggles, and holy warfare in mediæval Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, India, the steppes and Tibet. Win a war with the 'Crusade' casus belli, either as the most-participating attacker or as the primary defender. The Sea King - Master of the Waves: Construct a new fleet, worthy of the Velaryon name. Getting the traits this way has no religion requirement beyond what is required to join the society. These traits are exclusive to Christians. The console is opened by pressing§ + Shift. There's another exploit we'll use here – since "Sea King" is inactive if your current religion isn't the religion of the person who created it, we quickly … This bloodline exists already on the historical Genghis Khan (Temüjin Borjigin), from 1206 onwards.