There may have been overt unit stats, but they didn't matter so long as you knew how and when to use units properly cavalry worked. Shogun 2 was well balanced, polished, I have no issue identifying units when zoomed out (perhaps my interest in that era of Japan coming through), and it remained tactical. I have been playing since Shogun 1 and enjoyed all games up to Shogun 2 (despite Empire's bugs, it was so ambitious and I still play it now).
Added localisation for battle setup screen UI in French, Italian, German, Spanish, Czech, Russian, Polish.While I agree with much of what is said, and it is opinion based, the only thing I have to fundementally disagree with is his take on Shogun 2. Players can no longer delete the "Sea of Japan" Naval Battle map, and can delete their own maps (Created or shared through TEd) on the battle setup screen UI. Fix for Sea of Japan naval battle map crash. Added localisation to the multiplayer lobby for the status of TEd created maps when they are being shared. Improved combat animation blending for cavalry.
Fixes to prevent desynchronisation (desync) in Multiplayer Campaign mode. Improved compatibility with AMD Radeon HD 7 series graphics cards.
Fix for multiplayer campaign desynchronsiation (desync) when playing between German and Czech players. Desynchronisation (desync) message has been localised to French, Italian, German, Spanish, Czech, Russian, Polish. Fix for bug in Avatar Conquest mode where players receiving a clan promotion were shown a message telling them they have been relegated. Fix to prevent Mixed Avatars being able to join Battle List battles with 'Mixed Avatars' option turned off. Fix to prevent AI trade fleets grouped around occupied trade nodes in Campaign mode.
Wako pirates now have the correct banners in naval battles via the Campaign. The "Season" drop down list should now display correctly after changing map in a multiplayer Battle List battle.